Glass breakage insurance comparison

Protect your home or business from high costs in the event of glass breakage
Find the right glass breakage insurance.

Glass breakage insurance comparison - your protection against expensive glass damage

Ein Missgeschick ist schnell passiert: Ein Stein prallt gegen die Fensterscheibe, die Glastür zerbricht beim Umzug oder ein starker Sturm verursacht einen Schaden an den Glasflächen deines Wintergartens. Glasbruch kann teuer werden – insbesondere, wenn du große Fensterfronten oder andere empfindliche Glasflächen hast. Mit einer Glasbruchversicherung schützt du dich vor den finanziellen Folgen solcher Schäden. Unser Vergleichsrechner zeigt dir die besten Angebote für deine Glasbruchversicherung.

Your advantages at a glance:

  • Comprehensive protection for glass surfaces:
    Ob innenliegende Glasflächen, Türen, Wintergärten oder Glastische – die Glasbruchversicherung deckt Schäden an nahezu allen Glasflächen in deinem Zuhause oder Unternehmen ab.

  • Quick and easy comparisons:
    With our comparison calculator, you can find the best offers for your glass breakage insurance in just a few minutes and select the best rate directly online.

  • Flexible protection:
    You can choose which glass surfaces you want to insure - whether internal glass surfaces, glass furniture, mirrors and other glass surfaces.

  • Fast claims settlement:
    Many insurers offer uncomplicated and fast claims settlement, so you don't have to wait long after a glass breakage.

How the glass breakage insurance comparison works:

  1. Provide information on the glass surfaces:
    Specify which glass surfaces you would like to insure - whether internal glass surfaces, glass doors, conservatories or glass furniture.

  2. Compare offers:
    Our comparison calculator shows you the best glass breakage insurance policies to suit your specifications. You can sort by price and performance.

  3. Select and take out insurance:
    Have you found the right offer? Take out glass breakage insurance directly online and protect your home or business.

What should you look out for in glass breakage insurance?

  • Insured glass surfaces:
    Make sure that all relevant glass surfaces such as doors, mirrors or conservatories are included in your contract.

  • Sum insured:
    The sum insured should be high enough to cover the cost of repairs or replacement of broken glass.

  • Inclusion of special areas:
    Some glass breakage insurance policies also offer the option of insuring special glass surfaces such as art glass or display cabinets.

More insurances for you

Your household contents insurance not only protects your possessions, but also covers glass breakage in some cases. You can find more information about home contents insurance here.

Protect your entire house, including fixed components such as windows and doors, with a Residential building insurance.

A mishap can always happen - a Accident insurance protects you against the financial consequences of accidents, even if glass breakage is the cause.

If you accidentally damage a neighbour's window, the Personal liability insurance covers the damage.

Frequently asked questions (FAQs)
Which glass surfaces are covered by glass breakage insurance?

Glass breakage insurance generally covers all permanently installed glass surfaces such as glass doors and conservatories. Special glass surfaces such as mirrors, glass furniture or aquariums can also be included, depending on the tariff.

The costs depend on the number and size of the glass surfaces and the amount of cover selected. Our comparison calculator will help you find the best offers.

Yes, many glass breakage insurance policies also offer the option of insuring glass furniture such as tables, cupboards or display cabinets. Make sure that this is explicitly mentioned in the contract.

Damage caused by hail or storms is usually included in homeowners' insurance. For special glass surfaces such as conservatories, however, you can add an extension to the glass breakage cover.

Many household contents insurance policies only cover glass breakage to a limited extent or not at all. Separate glass breakage insurance ensures that you are comprehensively covered.

Secure your glass surfaces - find the right glass breakage insurance now!

Do you have any questions or would you like to find out more about glass breakage insurance?
Get in touch with us now and we'll help you find the best protection for your glass surfaces!

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